revised version at https://whyweshould.loofs-samorzewski.com/worldbuilding-101.html

The moral worldbuilding urge does not care about any of the detail, true or false, in that last paragraph. It’s an evolutionary thing, “it” just "cares" that some organisation is happening, not that it is perfect, or rational, or reasonable, or even just/Good.

Something is better than none because none is nothing and nothing is extinction. Something done and wrong can be corrected, learned from, lessoned. At least it is something.

And ‘practice’ does not require belief/faith/individual—attention-intention. It “just” requires survival, and in empathy our children will world on without us while holding us within. Life goes on. Even if we lose the children, we hope. And when we let ourselves go, the sun rises.

That is power, world-building power.

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