
Spiraling Mystery

Why and how do these spirals occur? The team doesn’t yet have all the answers. But digging deeper, they found that the seeds of these spirals blossom out from boundaries between functional neural networks. The team thinks these twisting shapes could be essential for “effectively coordinating activity flow among these networks through their rotational motion.”

The spirals rotate and interact depending on the cognitive task at hand. They also tend to twirl and spread into brain regions dubbed “brain hubs,” such as the frontal parts of the brain or those related to integrating sensations.

But their interactions are especially enthralling. Based on the physics of turbulence, brain spirals that bump into each other carry a hefty amount of information. These waves capture data in space and time and propagate the information over the surface of living neurons in non-linear waves.

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Magnetic control of GFP-like fluorescent proteins

Rebecca Frank Hayward, Julia R. Lazzari-Dean, Andrew G. York* and Maria Ingaramo†

Calico Life Sciences LLC, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA

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