Im/morality and the authoritarian devils among us
Pro tip: attack the psychopaths and their grandiose narcissism, and not the authoritarian outcomes of their injurious actions to our world.
A recent article 4 reasons not teaching evolution in schools is immoral on the conversation gives these points as moral reasons:
equality of opportunity,
free inquiry,
fairness and public reasoning, and
intellectual honesty,
within the context that authoritarian governments east and west are removing “The central role of evolution in biology” in basic science from classrooms in their countries.
It is a set piece and contains no surprises.
It does label these governments as immoral I guess, if indirectly. And I would agree with this.
One further step that could be made is to:
acknowledge that authoritarian governments, indeed and any authoritarian impulse, is itself a world building activity which uses the state to totalise (world)views/narratives (chaotic or orderly) that it sees as being in its interests, and
then to take the courage generated in labelling authoritarian regimes as immoral, to step forward bravely from a rear-guard defense of science, to a positive worldbuilding position, and acknowledge that in evolution itself our worldbuilding and our moral urges have co-evolved with our good selves.
This is neither a religious nor non-religious claim, merely builds a world from a likely evident process of our history before history began.
My personal context for these three points is outlined in Why we should : an introduction by memoir into the implications of the Egalitarian Revolution of the Paleolithic, or, Anyone for cake?
We must somehow weave our selves, our world and our reality into a healthier place for our children, and one in which we discipline the authoritarian impulse, especially where it originates in narcissism and psychopathy.
I am not calling for a technocratic regime putting science on a pedestal, (like Elon Musk’s grandparents) but for a shared story that encourages healthy worldbuilding, and in practical steps and support, identifies narcisistic/psychopathy injuries to this worldbuilding and moral abilities, within us and in all our worlds.
All authoritarian regimes lead eventually to Jonestown death cults which is a relatively mild case (Russia can loose that many mobiks or prisoners in a day in Ukraine and “Russia” still thinks it is a victim of “teh west” which gave the imperial nation its birth when ancient Eurasian trades routes shifted to the oceans.)
Pro tip: attack the psychopaths and their grandiose narcissism, and not the authoritarian outcomes (and reactions to) of their injurious actions to our world.
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